We’ve Partnered Up With MyCareerMatch

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Postgrad Solutions Ltd is delighted to announce that as of May 2019 we are the sole Sales and Marketing partner for MyCareerMatch (MCM) in the UK. MCM has developed a unique software platform to help match students to their perfect course and to enable universities to engage with future students in a number of ways. To date this software is used by over 1,400 universities, colleges and schools in over 15 countries, and Postgrad Solutions will be fully responsible for introducing UK institutions to MCM’s unique product as well as consulting with UK institutions about the product during the decision-making period. 

Describing this exciting new partnership, Director of Postgrad Solutions, Rob Houghton, explains, “We spent a long time researching this product and benchmarking it with similar products before accepting the role as MCM’s partner. We think it’s a great product from both a content and technical perspective, and we are delighted to be bringing this product to the UK and working with MCM.” To book an appointment to discuss how MCM might help your student recruitment click here or email rob@postgradsolutions.com.